Kid Friendly & Easy Dinners #2 [Baked Tacos]

Okay friends, we tried another fun and easy dinner last night that I wanted to share with you! This one still takes less than 20 minutes to make, it can be customized for your family, and it turned out SUPER yummy!

So full disclosure before we get into the ingredients. I only used 3 things, because my family is full of plain Jane’s who don’t like anything too crazy.

Baked Tacos


1 lb. Ground beef or ground turkey

Taco seasoning

1 can black or pinto beans

1 cup chunky salsa

Hard taco shells

Fiesta blend cheese


  1. Brown the beef or turkey in a large pan and then add in your taco seasoning.
  2. Once that is mixed in well, add in your black or pinto beans as well as the salsa. My family isn’t a big fan of chunky salsa, so I left that ingredient out when I made this meal.
  3. Place the taco shells in a 9x13 pan (or any kind of baking dish) and fill them with the beef mixture. Add cheese on top and bake them for 8-10 minutes at 400 degrees.

This can be served with lettuce, sour cream, olives, guacamole, etc. Add anything you and your family like. That’s what makes this meal so fun! The tacos come out so crunchy and cheesy. It is so good!

This meal is incredibly easy, cheap and my toddler loved it! When he saw me pull the pan out of the oven he literally yelled, “tacos!” I could not be prouder. Give it a try and comment below how it turned out and if you added anything different! I would love to see your recreations!

Happy cooking, friends!

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