Kid Friendly & Easy Dinners #1 [Bagel Pizzas]

Hello friends! Today’s post will be the first installment in a series about easy, kid friendly dinners. I am not a chef and I’m not really that creative, but if you’re like me and you struggle coming up with dinners that won’t take you all day to prep and don’t require you to stand at the stove forever, then I am here to help!

I don’t mind cooking, but if a meal requires 20 minutes plus of prep time, I ain’t making it. Because of this character flaw of mine, I search Pinterest almost daily for dinner ideas that are quick, easy, and healthy for my picky eaters.

The meal I want to share with you today, is one that I grew up making and eating with my family. It’s fun and delicious! When I made it this time, I let Holt help and he was in heaven! Prep time is approximately 5 minutes and you’re sitting down to eat in less than 20. Let me give you the run down.

Bagel Pizza


Plain bagels

Pizza sauce

Mozzarella cheese


any other pizza toppings your family likes


The instructions are pretty self-explanatory. We’ve all made a pizza before I’m sure.

Step 1: Spread the pizza sauce on the bagel halves

Step 2: Add the mozzarella cheese

Step 3: Add your toppings (pepperoni, olives, mushrooms, peppers, etc.)

Step 4: More cheese!!

You’ll bake these delicious things in the oven at 350 for about 10-15 minutes. These pizzas are so much fun to make as a family, because everyone can customize their own pizza exactly how they want it. It might be a little messy if you have a toddler, but sometimes that’s what makes it fun!

making pizza

before oven

after oven

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